Dimas Kanjeng, Ratu Adil and Instant Society

The cult leader Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi has been named as suspect in the case of the murder of his two disciples. This case attracted public attention because Dimas Kanjeng, the mastermind behind the murder, was considered as spiritual leader who has magical power to multiply money up to billions of rupiah. His mystical power wrapped by religious appearance was able to fascinate thousands of people from various parts of Indonesia to come to his padepokan.

The emergence of Dimas Kanjeng as a powerful spiritual figure is a social phenomenon that is interesting to be investigated. Why are so many people in modern era who uphold rationality of thinking still believed in people who have supernatural power?

In the Indonesian history, Dimas Kanjeng phenomenon was not something new. Sartono Kartodirjo, in his classic work Ratu Adil (1984), has written about the emergence of people who have a religious-magical power in rural Java in the colonial period that were considered able to bring changes to prosperity and peace. In the Javanese or even religious tradition, there was a belief about the appearance of the figure of Imam Mahdi, ratu adil or a messiah who is destined to lead people out of the dark age to the new age. The messiah figure that became the savior in the colonial period generally depicted having a magical power, such as the power of invulnerability (ilmu kebal), but at the same time also wearing religious symbols, such as robes and turban. In many cases, ratu adil considered themselves receiving a revelation from heaven or often used the title of traditional king to reinforce their legitimacy. With a variety of these attributes it was no wonder a lot of people believed in the power of messiah in ushering society to prosperity.

When comparing ratu adil phenomenon in the colonial period with the present era, there is a significant difference. The ratu adil phenomenon in the colonial era was basically a radical political movement which opposed political-economic system formed by colonialism. While the phenomenon of ratu adil in the reformarsi era mostly was not movement based on political consciousness but driven by the desire of the leaders who claimed to be a prophet or saint to collect material with various religious modus.

However, aside from that, the discourse that was carried by them is actually similar. Basically they were able to lure a lot of followers because they offered the completion of social, economic and moral problems in the society by miraculous and shortcut ways (Wibowo, 2015). Dimas Kanjeng offered a magic formula for his followers to become rich by a supernatural way of doubling money. In Karawang, the leader of Padepokan Syekh Sangga Bintang Pratama, Abdul Mujim, who claimed as prophet offered a shortcut to go to paradise by paying only two million rupiah.

Many people who were keen to try shortcut offered by Dimas Kanjeng still showed the relevant of Mochtar Lubis’s critic in 1977 regarding to the negative characters of the Indonesian society. In Manusia Indonesia (1977), Lubis said that the Indonesian people generally believe superstition and myth and do not want to work hard to achieve something. Lubis mentioned that even the modern Indonesian people, who have a higher education and intersect with scientific matters, still believe superstition and make a talisman or maintain sacred object. Lubis’s criticism is still relevant when linked to the fact that not a few followers of Dimas Kanjeng who have a higher education background but still believe in mystical things.

In addition, Lubis stated that modern Indonesian people do not like reach something by working hard gradually, unless forced. Anthropologist Koentjaraningrat (1974) referred this phenomenon as “mental penerabas” (breakthrough mentality). The symptoms were a lot of people wanted to be a millionaire instantly, or would like to soon to be promoted without working hard. On the other hand, although they did not want to working hard, they tended to have a lavishly live to support their high consumption and show off their luxury lifestyle in social environment. High consumerism in the society, the desire to become rich instantly without working hard and the belief in superstition and myth are the driving of many people flocked to the padepokan of Dimas Kanjeng.

Although different in the setting time, the ratu adil phenomenon shows that the roots of the main problem is caused by structural condition of political-economic that encouraged the emergence of social frustration. When in the colonial era social frustration emerged as caused by the injustice created by the colonial system, social frustration that arose in today society shaped by the capitalist economic system. Capitalism encourages a consumptive lifestyle and to satisfy a consumptive desire not least people who are seeking an instant way, such as corruption and believing to shaman.

Until whenever the emergence of people who have mystical power will continue to appeal public attention as long as the political-economic problems in the society remain unresolved. Therefore, the first thing necessary is the government should be able to create prosperity and welfare distribution in the economic field. Second, it is no less important if people develop a critical attitude in looking the peculiar phenomenon in the society.

Keluar dari Ketakutan Komunisme

Ancaman dan pelarangan terhadap penyelenggaraan diskusi yang menggunakan perspektif kiri lagi-lagi terjadi.

Beberapa ormas dan organisasi mahasiswa mengecam penyelenggaraan festival diskusi Belok Kiri Fest yang rencananya diselenggarakan di Taman Ismail Marzuki, 27 Februari kemarin. Alasannya, festival diskusi yang menggunakan judul “kiri” tersebut diduga akan menjadi ajang penyebaran gagasan komunisme kepada masyarakat umum.

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Membangun Kekuatan Sains dan Teknologi

Pada masa jayanya imperium Britania mempunyai luas mencapai seperempat daratan di muka bumi. Britania menyumbangkan lebih dari 30% total PDB global antara tahun 1845-1870. Konsumsi energinya lima kali lipat konsumsi energi Amerika Serikat dan Prusia dan 155 kali lipat Rusia. Padahal, jumlah penduduknya hanya 2% populasi dunia. Akan tetapi, mengapa superioritas imperium Britania kolaps memasuki penghujung abad ke-19?Read More »

Gestok dan Pendidikan

Lima puluh tahun sejak berlalunya peristiwa Gerakan 1 Oktober 1965 belum ada tanda-tanda kejelasan dilakukannya rekonsiliasi.

Diwawancarai media seusai upacara peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan bahwa pemerintah tidak ada inisiatif meminta maaf atas pembunuhan massal yang terjadi pada tahun 1965-66. Jokowi mengutarakan bahwa “tidak ada pemikiran mengenai minta maaf, sampai detik ini tidak ada pemikiran ke arah itu”. Sementara Menko Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan Luhut Pandjaitan, senada dengan presiden, mengatakan “tidak ada pikiran maaf, kita menatap ke depan, jangan melihat ke belakang”.

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Kontekstualisasi Warisan Pemikiran KAA

Tahun ini Indonesia memperingati 60 tahun perayaan Konferensi Asia Afrika (KAA) secara besar-besaran di Bandung dan Jakarta. Peringatan KAA penting dilakukan sebagai sebuah kontekstualisasi pemikiran bukan sekedar sebagai selebrasi atau romantika masa lalu. Peringatan terhadap KAA berarti menerapkan kembali ide-ide besar yang digaungkan oleh para pemimpin Asia-Afrika di Bandung 60 tahun yang lalu.Read More »

Sejarah Indonesia dan Sejarah Global: Sebuah Refleksi

“Sudah saatnya sejarah Indonesia ditulis dengan perspektif global”

Dulu sebelum studi di Leiden, ketika di akhir masa studi sarjana tahun 2011, saya bersama teman-teman mendirikan kembali sebuah jurnal mahasiswa sejarah UGM bernama Histma, yang dahulu pernah besar namanya pada periode 1990an. Saat itu saya berposisi sebagai pemimpin redaksi dan di Histma ada sebuah tradisi menentukan tema pada setiap edisi. Pemilihan tema dilakukan melalui sebuah cara, yaitu setiap redaksi mengajukan satu tema dan kemudian tema-tema ini dibahas dan didiskusikan. Setelah tema dibahas semua, mendapatkan kritik dan komentar, maka di akhir seluruh redaksi menentukan tema yang paling baik, orisinal, menantang dan bisa dielaborasi lebih luas lagi untuk menjadi tema yang akan dipakai dalam edisi berikutnya. Pada edisi kedua jurnal ini, saya merumuskan kepada teman-teman redaksi sebuah tema yang berjudul “Indonesia dan Dunia”.Read More »